Six Months & A Day

sixmonthsI’m not one for New Years resolutions, as they are usually pretty cliché. Sure everyone get’s off on the right foot, going to the gym 3 times a week, watching what they eat, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, but no one ever follows through. After about a month, the gyms are empty, the smoothie stores are clear, and everyone is back to their old habits. This year, I did however make make a resolution, and guess what!? I totally haven’t done it! I’m one of those people! In fact I’m almost worst than one of those people, because I didn’t even start! Can you guess what my resolution was? You’re looking at it right now. That’s right, it was blogging. Recently I’ve felt like there’s been a lack of inspiration in my life, like I’ve lost a bit of myself. In the past I  was always thinking up or working on the next project. At the moment, life has been pretty mundane, home to work, work to home with nothing in between. It’s time to change that so i’m here today writing my first blog post in months.

Yesterday, marks six months of my being in Austin and although I’ve let life coast a bit into a repetitive loop it has really been excellent. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work at a store downtown not only doing sales but also helping to grow the brand while learning the ins and outs of running a small business. I really couldn’t have asked for a better first job while getting to know Austin. The people that I’ve worked with and the customers that I’ve met have been so kind and welcoming. However, it has gotten to the point where I think I need to move on to something more graphic design related.

A couple weeks ago I went to the Austin AIGA event, UNDER THE RADAR featuring “local design bad-asses that are helping put Austin on the map”. January’s event featured Karl Herbert better known as his moniker Gold Lunchbox. These events always get me riled up and pretty inspired. It’s nice to see people with so much talent killing it in the industry, who started out just like me. It really reminds me all it takes is some good old fashion elbow grease.  My favorite take aways from this lecture were:

  1.  It’s okay to fail, and it’s okay to fail hard
  2. Don’t beat yourself up, take a break, draw from inspirations around you and start again.

Since going to this lecture I’ve really put myself into hyperdrive. I’ve applied to a few different jobs, updated my portfolio, pulled a couple of all nighters, and have even gone on a few interviews. Whether I hear good or bad news I have to keep pushing forward. New years resolution or not I have to stay inspired.


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